Friday, November 2, 2012

Politics Redux

I believe God has a sense of humor and I believe that human life gives God a lot to laugh about. Two days after my blog about the care I take in not being publically partisan, I received a phone call. It was from a campaign worker for President Obama’s re-election campaign. There was going to be a campaign rally on Tuesday October 30 here in Duluth with an important political figure. There were organizing a program. Would I be willing to give the invocation? I know the caller, just a bit. She has served on the Duluth City Council. She was better acquainted with my son who has been a campaign worker for a few candidates at the local, state and national levels, all from the Democratic Party. Anyway, I asked for a bit more information. She told me about the time involved, and then said I would need a Secret Service check. Wow. This was going to be somebody significant! I said, “yes.” She then told me that the event was going to feature former President Bill Clinton. I was glad I was available. Whatever one’s politics, the opportunity to meet someone who has held the office of President of the United States is rare, and pretty cool. So there I was on Tuesday giving the invocation prior to a campaign rally featuring President Bill Clinton.

I began the prayer with a moment of silence to remember all those whose lives were devastated by Hurricane Sandy. Then I prayed:

God of all peoples, weaver of the intricate web of life, we come here grateful to live in a country where we can pray freely, where we can discuss ideas openly, where each of us has a voice in shaping the future of our nation. As we make decisions about the direction of our country, may we hear more clearly your call to do justice and nurture kindness, your call to live with a certain humility and with compassion. May we hear your call to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, cloth the ill-clad, and befriend the friendless. Where we have fallen short in justice and kindness, humility and compassion, in caring for those struggling and those on the margins, we seek forgiveness. Even more we ask for determination, courage and imagination as we seek to do better, as we work together for a newer world – a world where justice is done, where kindness and gentleness are nurtured, where beauty is created, and the garden of the world tended lovingly. That work for a newer world goes on and we join it again. The cause of a newer world is ours and we accept it again. Our hope for a newer world lives on in each of us, and we fan the flames anew today. The dream of a newer world, planted deep in our hearts and souls, may the dream never die. Amen.

And if George W. Bush is ever in town and would like someone to pray, I would pray a very similar prayer.

With Faith and With Feathers,


By the way, this picture from my cell phone lets you know how great a seat I had for this event.


Laura_achd said...

I've been studying the disciplines in my spiritual formation class and I hear many of the same concepts of submission, service, humility etc throughout your prayer. I enjoyed reading your post/prayer, very well said. I am sure the audience was honored to hear your genuine prayer.

TST said...

Awesome! David, what an opportunity! As always, your prayer is genuine and stirs the emotions of passion, pride and responsibility. Thank you for sharing.

TST said...

Awesome! David, what an opportunity! As always, your prayer is genuine and stirs the emotions of passion, pride and responsibility. Thank you for sharing.